It's not politics or media, but I do think it says something about our culture and our priorities. Independent UK: David Beckham rejected the ch
January 12, 2007

It's not politics or media, but I do think it says something about our culture and our priorities.

Independent UK:

David Beckham rejected the chance to sign for the Italian giants Milan and Internazionale as well as Marseilles and Lyon in France before he opted yesterday for the best commercial deal at Los Angeles Galaxy and a staggering £128m (US$250M), five-year contract.

[..]Beckham's salary will top the entire current Major League Soccer (MLS) salary package where clubs have to disclose their salaries. In LA Galaxy's budget, their lowest earner is on $11,000 [£5,650] - the equivalent of a couple of hours' work for Beckham.

Is there anybody for whom you could justify a $250 MILLION dollar paycheck? And to play soccer, which while admittedly growing in popularity, is not that big a money-maker in the US?

What is wrong with us that we pay athletes so very much?

Can you help us out?

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