January 9, 2007

Mike mentioned this in his blog roundup but I think the sheer ridiculousness of it warranted its own post. In the FOX News bloviator's new weekly show, Hannity's America, he introduced a segment called "Enemy of the State" where he goes after America's enemies -- ya know, like actors who criticize Bush's policies.

The funniest part has to be when Hannity calls Penn a "bad actor." Sean Penn may be any number of things but a bad actor is certainly not one of them. Unless you consider someone who has been nominated for 25 'Best Actor' awards "bad", there is absolutely no basis to say that (other than to just hurl insults which was obviously Hannity's intent.) Also, don't forget the fact that Penn has been nominated four times for -- and has won one of -- the most prestigious acting awards: the Academy's Best Actor for Mystic River in 2003. Hell, "facts" have never plagued Hannity in the past. What makes you think his own show would change that?

(h/t TPM who has more)

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