January 8, 2007

It's been a bad time for the right wing blogosphere. Pajamas Media gets embarrassed. Michelle gets embarrassed and now a whole bunch more have to apologize to John Kerry for swiftboating him in the most ridiculous fashion---by taking a picture out of context.

Malkin: In this particular instance, it appears, Kerry was not spurned by the troops. I stand corrected and apologize for the error.

I hope they made an attempt to contact John Kerry personally. A lot of us have fun with graphics all the time, but we don't pretend it's anything other than that. There's a big difference in being partisan, but sticking with the facts. They are being partisan while rearranging the facts to meet their needs.

Eric Boehlert has more on the AP story...Malkin's Credibility, R.I.P.

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