The onslaught of attacks from the punditry class on Barack Obama hasn't even really got off the ground yet, but they've already managed to be disgusting just the same. I caught Ed Rogers last month highlighting his middle name as a signal of what's ahead for Barack and they have slowly started piling on ever since. Michael J.W. Stickings caught Debbie "I wish I was Coulter" Schlussel's latest bigotry.
So, even if he identifies strongly as a Christian, and even if he despised the behavior of his father (as Obama said on Oprah); is a man who Muslims think is a Muslim, who feels some sort of psychological need to prove himself to his absent Muslim father, and who is now moving in the direction of his father's heritage, a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?
Media Matters has a great round up of our liberal media in action including more on "Schlussey"