A Fistful of Euros: Say what? Somewhere competent people are actually achieving something positive in an ocean of negative forces? Wow.
Rhetoric: A rhetorical stank...
The Satirical Political Report: Are you ready for some football? Shia and Sunni to meet in the BCS title game
No More Mister Nice Blog: What's the real GOP-base litmus test? Devotion to 'conservative' principles or being a rich white guy?
Mick LaSalle: Da Mick has some ideas on why #41 broke down the other day...
PUNDIT PAP (with apologies to American Politics Journal): Power Line's Crittenden ripped...the Foster Brooks of pundits gets a comedy lesson...a call to kick Prager off the Holocaust Council...a man called "Brink" writes about the alleged liberal-libertarian alliance...