Martian Anthropologist: “Once you’re used to living in a lawless world, the transition back to civilization will be stressful at b
December 2, 2006

Martian Anthropologist: “…Once you’re used to living in a lawless world, the transition back to civilization will be stressful at best…” Our lawless mercenaries and what could very well be an uneasy re-integration into civil society

Mia Culpa: Friday night, Members of the Union League of Philadelphia arrived in tuxedos and gowns to honor Donald Rumsfeld and give him A Medal!

The Osterley Times: Millions of people are being assigned a risk assessment score designed to identify their terrorist potential as they enter the US, including the US's own citizens. The information is garnered from several US departments, including intelligence, and is to be held on file for forty years.

Rozius Unbound: BushCo is doing for the economy what they've done for America's standing in the eyes of the rest of the world

Suburban Guerrilla: A "terrorist" is anyone who says no to the Bush Crime Family

Bob Geiger: Best of the week's editorial cartoons

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