November 30, 2006

dennisprager.jpg The more the Conservative movement has Prager speaking for them, the more they will shrink in the minds of Americans. Well, do ya think? On Hannity & Colmes, he tried to make sense out of his insane rant against Keith Ellison, D-Minn---who's only offense is to want to use the Koran when he gets sworn in. Hannity proclaims that this could lead some other Rep-elect to be sworn in with Hitler's "Mein Kampf." "Where does this stop?" asks Hannity---I kid you not. Oh---and he says it's not about politics...Scratching my head I ask what is it about?

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Mr. Shabazz called Prager narrow minded and ignorant. Any thoughts or opinions? He then reminds Hannity that Foley and Delay committed acts of corruption after swearing on a bible and Hannity interrupts the thought and says once again that it's not about politics...I have to stop now or I'll start eating zombie brains too...

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