November 23, 2006

The evidence is already compelling that Republicans are in the midst of stealing Florida's 13th, and as Paul Krugman noted today, this is a clear instance in which paperless voting machines “delivered the race to the wrong candidate.” Indeed, state officials, who already unfairly certified Republican Vern Buchanan the "winner," tapped an FSU professor as an “independent” expert to oversee an audit -- despite the fact that this prof made an appearance on the steps of the Florida Supreme Court during the 2000 recount battle wearing a “Bush Won” sign.

Krugman pointed to the big picture.

I’ve been shocked at how little national attention the mess in Sarasota has received. Here we have as clear a demonstration as we’re ever likely to see that warnings from computer scientists about the dangers of paperless electronic voting are valid — and most Americans probably haven’t even heard about it.

As far as I can tell, the reason Florida-13 hasn’t become a major national story is that neither control of Congress nor control of the White House is on the line. But do we have to wait for a constitutional crisis to realize that we’re in danger of becoming a digital-age banana republic?

I hope not, but given the reaction thus far, it's hard to be optimistic. E. J. Dionne Jr. has more.

-Steve Benen

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