Blah3: Poor Poppy gets an earful from some Arabs about how Junior inspires zero trust around the world.
AlterNet: Scott Ritter, one of the only experts seen on scream TV who was right about the Iraq invasion, debunks Iran myths
Talk To Action: More about Eric Keroack, who seems to oppose birth control and sexual relationships outside of marriage largely because God wants him to do it.
NPR : Audio of the secret Gitmo tribunals in which the government produces no evidence of any sort, and relies on secret evidence which the accused is not allowed to see or even know about. The detainees are given the opportunity to rebut the secret evidence. But they are never told what the secret evidence is. The Pentagon dismisses such criticisms, arguing that the tribunals are fair.
The Vanity Press: More thoughts on Charlie Rangel's notion of reinstating the draft . We're sure all those chickenhawk, warflogging, mommie men are wetting themselves at the thought that they might someday have to walk their tough talk, but...
GRAB BAG: Proof that Tom DeLay is now officially just a rusty spot on the underpants of history...Right wing campus outreach...CBS owes Ed Bradley an apology...Fittingly, Lieberman hired an ideological contortionist as his communications director