The Heretik: Another of G-Dub's "advisors" has admitted a military victory in Iraq is no longer possible. This is a tale told to an idiot who, just last week, held communist Vietnam up as an example of what Iraq could become "if we do not quit."
Pensito Review: Bush eliminates hunger...the word, that is
TPMmuckraker: McCain says the Bush administration breaks laws to hide Global Warming data. Meanwhile, the anti-science administration's Dept. of Health & Human Services has rather unsurprisingly declared that they don't know what "scientifically accurate" means.
NewsHog: More on the striking Houston janitors trampled by mounted police and jailed. Put together what Jim Webb sees with what Dick Cheney told the Federalist Society and add in the uber-right's own rhetoric about the enemy within and last Friday's use of the police as paramilitary strike-breakers and tell me you aren't the least bit worried.
TalkLeft: Keisler must be blocked...unless you want a former Bork law clerk who Bork himself calls "one of my favorites", on the D. C Circuit and the fast track to the Supreme Court
AGITPROP: Wingnut Roundup