Sadly, No! Republicans weep tonight not for their actual losses but because they know they’ll not have a blank check again for perhaps a generation
Alas, a blog: Fundamentalist Jews and Muslims unite in their hatred of gays...why can't they be more like this pious asshat?
Attytood: Sh*t-for-brains shill claims U.S. suburbs "more violent than Iraq"...and driven mad by the election results, Hewitt is reduced to posting inane gibberish.
King of Zembla: Terrorists pitch a shutout
Opinions You Should Have: A prominent male hooker was forced to step down amid accusations of sex with a sleazy Evangelical leader
More problems in Ohio...this Buckeye also had problems trying to cast his vote...MELTDOWN '06: Machines Down....Polling places turn to paper ballots after glitches'....Bogus VA voter calls point to Allen campaign