November 5, 2006

GOP/Fox News shill and alleged polling guru Dick Morris uses his New York Post column today (along with his wife Eileen McGann) to warn: "The latest polls portend disaster for the Republican Party tomorrow. The House appears to be gone; the Senate is teetering on the brink."

Morris predicts that "2006 will go down in history as one of the worst years for the Republicans." After listing the standard reasons for what he says will be a "rout," Morris identifies the sleaze and corruption which pervades that party as the principal cause:

It was corruption that did the GOP in. . . . Speaker Dennis Hastert's son left his music store in Illinois to move to Washington to become the lobbyist for Google. Hastert himself used his position to fund a highway project that had a lot to do with a big profit on a land deal nearby. Then-Majority Leader Tom Delay put his wife was on his PAC's payroll; she made $300,000. . . . First the Republicans lost their virtue; now they'll lose their majority, at least in the House.

Morris is wrong constantly, and some polls in the last several days have suggested that this election is "tightening." So nothing should be assumed because nothing has been accomplished yet. There is much work to be done between now and tomorrow to ensure the desperately needed end of one-party rule in our country. But it is nonetheless notable that the GOP cheerleader Morris, on the day before this election, chose to write such a definitive eulogy for Congressional Republicans.

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