For those of you that didn't understand the reference Keith Olbermann made to Stephanie Miller in his Special Comment yesterday, After Stephanie Miller's appearance on H&C, she received an incredibly ugly letter from a Fox News viewer who called himself "Sock." Bradblog has full, unedited letter in all its hate-filled glory.
The idiot, er...the Fox fan was dumb enough to give Stephanie his phone number. So of course, Stephanie called him.
The meme we constantly hear from Fox is how "liberals are just full of hate." Well, Fox, look at how much hate YOUR fans are full of.
Update: John Amato
I receive a lot of hate and death threats so I've gotten used to it, but the hatred has really gotten out of hand from the right. Of course the media will not report on it because they are more interested in asking Youtube why a Malkin video got removed then deal with anything hurtful that conservatives say or do. It's very sad.