There have been so many lunatic ideas coming out of the mouths of insane people lately that I'm surprised I found something new and exciting. Want to protect your kids at school? Arm them with text book shields: via Right Wing Watch
Bill Crozier, a Union City Republican going against incumbent Democrat Sandy Garrett, said he believes old textbooks could be used to stop bullets shot from weapons wielded by school intruders. If elected, he said he would put thick used textbooks under every desk for students to use in self-defense. (video ) "The bullet did not penetrate the book."
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He seems to think that kids will be able to block an assailant armed with an AK-47 by shielding themselves. Ummm....this isn't TJ Hooker, I'm not trying to rain on his parade, but I think a nut might be able to aim at a few different spots. I'm just saying.