BTC News: For G-Dub, torture is personal (h/t cellwhitman) Baghdad Burning: after a long absence, Riverbend has a new post up on the Lancet study. &
October 18, 2006

BTC News: For G-Dub, torture is personal (h/t cellwhitman)

Baghdad Burning: after a long absence, Riverbend has a new post up on the Lancet study.

"Who to believe, American politicians or highly reputable scientists using a reliable scientific survey technique"? (h/t Roachblog

State Of The Day: Are you ready for some terror?

RollingStone: Inside the worst congress ever. How our national legislature has become a stable of thieves and perverts. Checkowt the rogue’s gallery of pigs, fools, crooks and liars.

Newsie 8200’s Penndit: Media News…

Words Of Power: Interview with Nomi Prins, the author of Jacked: How Conservatives Are Picking Your Pocket (Whether You Voted For Them or Not)

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