Hannity is pulling out all the stops trying to get his legion of followers to the booths and vote. He has good reason to afraid. Josh Marshall has a nice list of crooks going and I'll include---The Foley sex scandal, Schiavo, Iraq war, the Taliban, North Korea, Curt Weldon, possible Dennis Hastert cover-up, Scooter Libby, Valerie Plame, David Kuo---the list goes on and on and on which have caused problems for the GOP this November. But to Sean, it's not their fault.
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"In this show, all of us combined, there's enough of you in this audience right here and now ... that can confuse, and confound, and bewilder, and just absolutely send these guys into a tail spin. On election night, when those results start coming in, if the media commentaries are smiling because Republicans are losing, if key senators and key congressmen, many of whom are conservative and have excellent records, go down in the defeat ... let me tell you something, in the end you don't have as far as I'm concerned the liberal media to blame. They will have played a part. But ultimately it's you, yourself ... you have to blame."