October 6, 2006

Baltimore Sun:

Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. said yesterday that he might not have chosen Kristen Cox as his running mate if she were not blind.

Since picking the state disabilities secretary for his ticket, Ehrlich has praised her doggedness and intelligence. But on the Politics Program with Mark Plotkin on Washington Post Radio yesterday, the governor suggested that those qualifications alone might not have landed her the coveted spot that helped catapult Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele - the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate - to national prominence.

Asked by Plotkin whether he picked Cox, 37, because of her blindness, Ehrlich said, "No, but do I think the fact that she cannot see, do I see that as part of a paradigm for what I want to represent? Yes."

Later, after a commercial break, he added without prompting: "I just want to finish the last question, because I think it's a really fair, good question. In my heart of hearts, I cannot answer honestly if Kris had sight, whether she would be the person I chose. I do not know that." Read on..

Tipster MrEMan wants you to know that there's a sensible Democrat running against Erlich: Martin O'Malley

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