Digby nails it. These people should be ashamed of themselves, but they'll send out emails and the big bucks will be coming in against the "ga
October 2, 2006

Digby nails it. These people should be ashamed of themselves, but they'll send out emails and the big bucks will be coming in against the "gays":

Since when has the GOP been afraid to be called homophobic or gay bashers? They positively revel in it. In fact, just a couple of months ago 202 Republican House members voted for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. (It failed to get the required 2/3rds for passage.) Somehow, I don't think the Republicans are quaking in their boots at being called anti-gay.

And if they were so afraid of being called anti-gay that they allowed a 52 year old congressman to stalk 16 year old boys on the internet, then they are much too timorous to be running the government. These guys are charged with making laws and running wars, for gawd's sake....read on

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