Check out this very revealing interview with Card about Woodward's book. Andy does a mambo about Bob's claims that he wanted Rumsfeld out and Condi was ignored.
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The interviewer highlights Woodward's assertions that Bush was clueless, his war cabinet is deeply dysfunctional and Condi Rice is almost a pathetic figure. Normally a Bush Cultist would freak out over these words and hold their breath until they turned blue, but not Card. He says that he disagrees with the premise; he praises Bush, but has respect for Woodward. Hmmm....He first says he didn't want Rummy out, but then calls Bob's statements an overstatement. Card repeats over and over again that he respects Bush's resolve, but says nothing about his results. Oh, and he was too candid with Woodward. Telling the truth must really hurt. (h/t Kurt)