Now, Foley is checking into a rehab...
Nancy Pelosi wrote a letter. MyDD: Shimkus and Foley's BMW farewell.
Pam: The video covers the feeble damage control re: the "family values" party and the lame attempt to handle "the situation" of the sexual predator in their midst.
h/t to John for posting the video with more info on Foley too...
Greenwald on Hinderaker's ridiculous defense of Foley. The Bush Cultists are falling all over themselves..
There are numerous intellectually honest conservatives who are viciously criticizing Denny Hastert and even demanding his resignation for his role in covering-up Mark Foley's predatory conduct and then lying about it once the story broke. And there are also some generally rational though deeply misguided defenses of Hastert being mounted elsewhere by some Bush followers. And then -- in a category of its own -- there is this defense of Hastert, promoted by Instapundit, and authored by John on