Will Bunch gets down with the dean of American journalism: "Why I'm mad: An open letter to David Broder from a fellow journalist" Dear Davi
September 25, 2006

Will Bunch gets down with the dean of American journalism: "Why I'm mad: An open letter to David Broder from a fellow journalist"

Dear David Broder,

I am writing in response to your recent columns in the Washington Post, embracing the make-believe "independence party" of an American political center that doesn't really much exist anymore -- except in your mind and the fantasies of a few like-minded D.C. pundit types . In one column, you managed to dismiss the ideas of millions of Americans who share little except great alarm at where America and its values have been heading the last six years, lumping them – us, actually – all together as simply "the vituperative, foul-mouthed bloggers on the left."

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