Not only has Allen lifted Dick Durbin's legislation, but now he says he never heard the word Macaca before. Will he now say that his mother is not from French Tunisian, where that word is used as a racial slur? I thought Allen's campaign manager, Dick Wadhams retracted that apology anyway?
Mike Legra:
Timmeh really had Senator Allen squirming this morning over his racist tendencies. Not only did Allen call a dark-skinned Webb campaigner "macaca" -- even though he just "made up" the word and didn't know it's considered a racist slur -- and opposed a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates in 1984, but Russert calls him out on an AP article citing how he "used to keep a confederate flag in his living room, a noose in his law office and a picture of confederate troops in his governors office." Politics and "confederate pride" aside, how do you explain keeping a noose in your office?
That symbolizes nothing other than oppression and hatred towards African-Americans. This Nation article points out, Allens racism goes far beyond "macaca" and S.R. Sidarth.