Greg Palast: A Labor Day recipe...and an an excerpt from Thom Hartmann's new book, "Screwed: The Undeclared War On the Middle Class." Is anyone surprised that more
people are unemployed during conservative presidencies?
Pharyngula: A conservative Christian opposing public prayer at football games! Seems he'd been in Hawai'i, where he'd been shocked to discover that pre-game prayers were given by Buddhist monks.
NewsHog: Hey, don't look over there. There's nothing to see. Look over here instead!
AGITPROP: Weekend Wingnut Roundup...and don't miss Welcome to Pottersville's Assclowns of the Week
CNN - President wants Senate to hurry with new laws...BUT WAIT! This was 1996 and the president was Bill Clinton, prodding recalcitrant Republicans to pass terrorism legislation. (Hat tip Cell Whitman)
Lost in Tarnation: Islamoconfusion is the result when you can't keep your lies straight about why we invaded Iraq.