This is very appropriate following Steve's post. Conrad Burns earned Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" award last night.
Coulter has become a regular on the list, but I got to say that her saying they "shot the wrong Lincoln" when it comes to Lincoln Chafee is over the line. We got called "insurgents" for supporting Ned Lamont against Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut primary. Like I have said before, if what we did was an "insurgency", then the right is pulling off a full blown Jihad, not just against Lincoln Chaffee, but also the Republican in Connecticut, Alan Schlesinger.
Conrad Burns won the greatly deserved worst person in the world. He has been on a roll lately. It started a few weeks back when Burns lashed out against a group of firefighters, who went to his state to help with the forest fires:
Man, (the ironically named) Burns is asking to lose his election. Why else would he trash a bunch of out-of-state firefighters busting their asses to put out forest fires in Montana?
It started out when Burns ran into a couple of firefighters from the Virginia-based Augusta Hotshots at a Montana airport, saying:
"See that guy over there? He hasn't done a God-damned thing. They sit around. I saw it up on the Wedge fire and in northwestern Montana some years ago. It's wasteful. You probably paid that guy $10,000 to sit around. It's gotta change."
This immediately pissed me off to no end. As a former firefighter, I know the physical demands you go through fighting a fire. Fighting forest fires is one of the most strenuous aspects of firefighting. It isn't the same as fighting a house fire, where you got a timer attached to you called an air pack and are limited to about 20 minutes inside. In a forest fire, you are in heavy bunker gear, in the hot outdoors surrounded by flames, doing such things as digging trenches and cutting down trees. It is truly hell on Earth.
The true irony is that a couple of weeks after Burns made these insulting comments, he got caught on camera sleeping on the job.
Firefighters are out battling a hot inferno and decide to take a break and Burns calls them "wasteful", yet he can't even stay awake in his nice cushioned chair, inside the cool, air conditioned halls of Congress. He really does deserve the world's worst person in the world award.