August 28, 2006

Media coverage of the Katrina disaster continues to be on orgy of emotion without analysis, as Harry Shearer observes. Harry suggests some heavy reading instead of this light viewing, to better understand the history of this tragedy - and its preventability.

It's also important to note that the same incompetent leadership that brought you the FEMA f**kup is still in place, and that there are more preventable tragedies waiting to happen.

As I wrote nearly a year ago, the next "Katrina" may very well be a terrorist attack using nuclear materials. And have I mentioned lately that Rumsfeld's military left radiological materials lying around in Iraq for anyone to take, or that some of it was still unsecured two years after we invaded?

The bottom line: the next "Katrina" could well be a nuclear attack on the US, and Halliburton's already prepared to profit from the clean-up.

Have a nice day.

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