Before I pass judgment on a man, let me walk a mile in his moccasins
-Native American Saying
It is a saying practiced far too little in reality. Morgan Spurlock, documentarian best known for Super Size Me, has figured out a way to get some people to try on some moccasins that perhaps they had not considered before. On his FX network series, Thirty Days, Spurlock will pair people from opposite ends of the spectrum together to hopefully give them a chance to see things from the other's perspective.
On this week's episode, a self-described "militant feminist and pro-choice advocate" will go to live and work at a
pro-life oriented maternity home. What I like about Spurlock's show is that while he clearly operates with a progressive point of view, he is balanced in his coverage, and points out that both sides are guilty of pre-conceived notions and misunderstanding. While not every episode ends with some sort of "conversion", it does show how people realize that there are always multiple sides to every issue and each side has validity.
Check it out. Other episodes this season deal with hot topic issues as atheism, jail and the criminal justice system, new age practices, immigration and outsourcing.
Season 1 is available on DVD, and worth looking at as well.