Corrente Wire: ACLU vs NSA...don't open the champagne yet
Daily Kos: Bush, Hoffa, and Christian Evangelists
NJDC Speaks: More Holy Crap...Bush appointed a new head of the onerous Faith-Based Office. Take a look at the latest ill-suited crony. Does anybody think their tax dollars should be funding the likes of Pat Robertson, the Catholic Church, Charles Colson, and Sun Myung Moon? And why did FEMA funds go to religious groups, with no accountability, instead of directly to the victims of Hurricane Katrina?
The Brad Blog: Last night on CNN, Lou Dobbs examined the Electronic voting machine debacle in Ohio.
Get In Their Face! President Dwight Eisenhower's words eerily foreshadow the madness of King George
Thanks Joe Darby: Send a message of support to the man who turned over all the Abu Ghraib torture photos and has since been forced into hiding and in lives fear for his life.