"Is the U.K. terror plot just a day after Lieberman's defeat coincidence? Surprisingly, the plot was foiled without the invasion of a sovereign nation! Still, Americans need to ask some questions. Chertoff suggests it's an anniversary thing, but we're back to the color-coded panic, chaos and, paranoia routine. Let’s fly naked and end the reign of terror for political gain or watch the show with zefrank for some sane analysis...BTW, Commader Codpiece...it was Scotland Yard, not you.
Hoffmania! Why did G-Dub "cut and run" from Afghanistan?
Needlenose: The face we show the world
Balloon Juice: In a momentous expansion of the government’s authority to regulate public disclosure of national security information, a federal court ruled that even private citizens who do not hold security clearances can be prosecuted for unauthorized receipt and disclosure of classified information.
Making Light: That hopelessness you feel? It's what your rulers want.
Common Cause: Groups masquerading as public interest orgs but actually controlled by phone and cable companies