August 10, 2006

tof-bill-uk-fisa.jpg O'Reilly was really spreading his brand of propaganda over the thwarted terrorist plot tonight. His hopes that the Republicans will stay in power really had him juiced and he was humming. Bill talked about the NSA program guest after guest, condemning liberals for opposing it and citing information that the NSA wiretapping program was used to stop the threat. That's great news, we need all the tools we have to fight off the terrorists. comes the good part....he admitted that the government got warrants to use the NSA program. I couldn't believe my ears. That's been the whole issue surrounding the controversy. He proved our point!

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O'Reilly: The fact that the NSA was able to intercept these phone calls that were made in the United States to al-Qaeda in Britain. By using the very controversial, although I understand that warrants were obtained for this by the FISA court...does that mean in your opinion that the Bush administration is ahhhhh--justified now in its original policy? Is this a big win politically for you guys?

Chertoff: Well Bill, of course I'm not going to confirm particular techniques were used--

O'Reilly: But you won't deny though--

Chertoff: Obviously I'm not going to discuss classified techniques.

O'Reilly even tries to get Chertoff to disclose classified information.

Chertoff also said that we had to use every legal tool to the full extent that we're entitled to use.

I wonder what Chertoff meant there?

Bill is trying to con his audience into believing that Democrats are against every part of the NSA program and that is a flat out lie. It's the bypassing of the FISA courts that we reject in prinicple and law. He knows it well, but peddled his propaganda like a swarmy snake oil salesmen--offering a two for one bottle of dishonesty to all his willing dupes.

Bush broke the law by passing over the FISA court to implement his plan. Since O'Reilly could not control his own passion to undermine the left tonight--he did us all a big favor--and I want to thank him personally. He proved to the country that the FISA court works in conjunction with the NSA program perfectly and so ends the controversy.

Earlier today, John Gibson of FOX tried to use the same tactic of bringing in the NSA program while talking to Alberto Gonzales to prove Bush correct. Alberto would not confirm or discuss any element of the case and neither would Chertoff with O'Reilly. It's great to see the fair and balance programming at FOX work so well today.

Once again, I've never been so proud of O'Reilly. Way to go! This clip should be used over and over again to anyone who doubts that the NSA warrantless program does not have to bypass FISA to work. It helped stopped what most pundits and politicians are saying--was the greatest threat we've faced since 9/11.

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