Richard Goodstein, a DC lobbysist is doing his thuggery best to help support Joe Lieberman.
Greg: So I just reached D.C. lobbyist Richard Goodstein on his cellphone. Goodstein the lobbyist confirmed that he is indeed the guy on the front-page of today's Record-Journal who appeared to be heckling Lamont in a diner.
CTBob: Two events on US Senate challenger Ned Lamont's schedule today were disrupted by representatives of Senator Joe Lieberman, when they tried to remove signs from Lamont supporters and drown out remarks by the Rev. Jesse Jackson in Middletown and disrupt Mr. Lamont's stop for a meal at Ted's Hamburgers in Meriden.
"I'm disgusted that a United States Senator would use paid hooligans to attempt to disrupt our events and incite violence in this way," Campaign Manager Tom Swan said.