(scroll down for update. I have multiple videos now)
Bush and Blair got caught talking with a mic nearby:
TAN: Mr Bush was caught saying that a key to defusing the Middle East crisis was for "Hizbollah to stop doing this s**t". "What they need to do is get Syria to get Hizbollah to stop doing this s**t, and it's over," Bush told British Prime Minister Tony Blair at a leaders' lunch at the Group of Eight industrial countries gathering here. The President was on camera but apparently unaware that his words were being captured by a microphone.
Here's another video version unfiltered: Download -WMP (.42) This one is just Bush talking about Syria-stuffing himself. ( h/t DavidB)
Download -WMP
Download -QT This one is longer from CNN ( h/t Paula)
FDL: While munching on a roll, George Bush had a conversation with Tony Blair about Hizbollah cutting out their "shit." So much for that born-again veneer…this deciderating and Presidenting is hard work. (And the fact that the curtain gets lifted from the "moral majority" act for public consumption is just a side bonus, I suppose, since neither Bush nor Blair knew the microphone was on...read on"
Dan Froomkin has a great roundup on this with the full transcript as well.