July 15, 2006

MTP-Novak.jpg There are so many falsehoods here. Scroll down for updates.

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I just started watching Novak on MTP. Novak just told Tim Russert that he misspoke in his Newsday interview about how he found out Valerie Plame's name. He attributed it to being an interviewer and not usually on the other end, but on Hannity and Colmes he blamed Newsday:

NOVAK: Well, that was a misstatement. That was an interview I did on the telephone with "Newsday" shortly after it appeared. Some of the things that they said that quoted me that are not in quotes are paraphrases, and they’re incorrect, such as the whole idea that they planted this story with me. I never told that to the "Newsday" reporters.

Russert then told him that he said on MTP previously that the administration had given him Valerie Plame's name. Novak said he was mistaken again. Hmmm...He then says that Bill Harlow doesn't remember things accurately. When Russert pressures him, Bob says he doesn't like being a commentator. Wasn't he on CNN for like twenty years being just that?

Novak said he was curious about Joe Wilson because Wilson hardly spent any time in Africa and he wanted to investigate.

Joe Wilson served in Africa for about 15 years and in Washington on African Affairs for another two, including as Senior Director for Africa at the National Security Council. After that he made three trips to Niger to help that country move the military coup leaders back to the barracks.

Just another lie on Novak's part and that was why Wilson was a smart choice to go to Niger. It's called experience. Remember, Joe faced down Saddam right before the first Gulf war and saved American lives doing so.

Christy fills out some of the garbage Novak tries to spin: "Don't Blame me"

emptywheel does a great job:

As I've said before, the pro-Cheney forces are really hamstrung because they have to rely on Novak as the public face of their fight with Wilson. You've got a man whose charisma derives from his dark creepiness fighting for press attention against a classic American blonde beauty...read on

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