I busted Santorum on his ridiculous "I found the missing WMD's" in Iraq claims last week and it looks like Lewis Black picked up on it. Here's a few other links about Santorum's weak cry for help in his upcoming election-Here and here. Greg Sargent went after him too.(Word Press does make things easier.)
Lewis Black put the hammer down on Rick last night on the Daily Show.
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Santorum: Well, ahh, I’d like to know who that Defense Department spokesperson is. The fact of the matter is I’ll wait and see what the actual Defense Department formally says ....
Black: The actual Defense Dept. as opposed to the imaginary Defense Dept. which sits on Santorum's shoulder, whispering sweet nothings into his head... Santorum: I'll show you the classified documents right here...
Black: You can't see this highly classified document?