DarkSyde: General Wesley Clark is a genuine champion for science. Both the General and members of the The Clark Community Network blog regularly on s
June 15, 2006


General Wesley Clark is a genuine champion for science. Both the General and members of the The Clark Community Network blog regularly on science and policy. I chatted briefly with him just before the panel. I saw his notes--he had a few bullet points and Chris Mooney's bio written out. That was it.

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So I was blown away when he confidently took the podium and spoke eloquently for half an hour, basically off the top of his head! Gen. Clark not only underscored the vital role of science in our nation's history and future, he also mentioned that he wanted to become a physicist at one point. Clark didn't hold back or skirt any issues, choosing instead to talk about the misuse of faith by religious opportunists and other related topics that many potential candidates would evade at all cost....read on

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