June 13, 2006

Michelle is at it again. She says that leftwingers booed the troops as Hillary is giving a speech at the Take Back America function.

Michelle: "First, Hillary! says we should support our troops…and the leftwingers in the audience boo her."

Go watch the video she links to. It's only twenty three seconds long. Do you hear any boos? Sounds like "Bring them home" to me. Why didn't she allow the video to continue?

Barbara says:

"What Malkin cuts off is that people were shouting “BRING THEM HOME!” They were not booing the troops. They were booing Hillary for not supporting the troops. I sat in that hall and know good and well no one in that crowd booed the troops. In fact, as I recall, during other speeches (like John Kerry’s, to the same audience) the same audience applauded expressions of support for the troops."

Politics TV has Hillary's full speech here. The part Malkin edits starts around the 24:35 mark

Does it look like the way Malkin portrays it? Michelle is obviously trying to be the new Coulter and is doing a fine impersonation of her. People like them use the soldiers every chance they get. Aren't the troops being hurt enough? Are conservatives really happy with the way Malkin operates? After Coulter's smearing of the 9/11 widows I don't think they want another stain on their reputations.

I know she's trying to get into the video business like so many now, so I'll give her a tip. When you print an allegation as serious as this one-you'll have to be more forthcoming with the amount of video you produce and actually listen and watch it honestly.

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