(Many thanks to the people from Concord Records) John has just released a new DVD called " John Fogerty: "The Long Road Home in Concert&quo
June 12, 2006

(Many thanks to the people from Concord Records)
John has just released a new DVD called " John Fogerty: "The Long Road Home in Concert" Click on these links for the videos.

Fortunate Son-WMP Fortunate Son-QT

Who'll Stop the Rain-WMP Who'll Stop the Rain-QT

The shows were filmed at the legendary Wiltern Theater in Los Angeles. Here's his website for assorted information.

They've just given CLLN Music Club readers 10 free copies as a giveaway. I've always been a fan so this is pretty cool. Instead of doing a contest I'll just have you send in your information to crooksandliarsmusic@gmail.com and someone will randomly pick the winners like I did for the Neil Young CD.

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