Even Imus was outraged that Coulter attacked the 9/11 widows and when he asked Cheney's main lady to denounce her-she backed Ann up.
Media Matters has the full transcript:
IMUS: I agree with her point. But I think it's repugnant and repulsive and gutless to -- and cheap and cheesy to call these women all these names. I mean, it's just -- whether it's right or not, I mean, you just -- that's just something -- you know, you just don't go there.
MATALIN: Well that's her stock in trade.
IMUS: But I'm surprised that you won't condemn her for these repugnant remarks.
MATALIN: I don't know her. I haven't read the book.
IMUS: Well you don't have to know her.
Here's another example of Republicans using 9/11 for political purposes.