balloon-juice: Central front in the war on stupid semantic tricks The Do It Yourself Presidential Leadership Quiz pandagon: Anti-choicers working
June 4, 2006

balloon-juice: Central front in the war on stupid semantic tricks

The Do It Yourself Presidential Leadership Quiz
pandagon: Anti-choicers working hard to keep the number of abortions high
media needle theater presents...Invasion USA
no more mister nice blog: Gee, I thought that back in the day, everybody who came to this country instantly spoke English as soon as they set foot on our shores.
earth family alpha: Thank you for polluting

no more mister nice blog: Gee, I thought that back in the day, everybody who came to this country instantly spoke English as soon as they set foot on our shores.
earth family alpha: Thank you for polluting
AmericaBlog: Defending marriage day. Get into action.

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