I do like their sports section, but this movie review turns into a complete political assault. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Kyle Smith does the hatchet job on "An Inconvenient Truth" for Rupert in print while he dispatches his Big Oil shills to do the honors on FOX News. When I looked at the title, "GORE'S HOT AIR," I thought...never mind. I checked some of Kyle's other reviews and they seemed pretty fair. I did a quick search and found these other takes on Gore's movie.
Lobo Howls (Judith Wolfe) review [9/10]
The Cinema Source (Andrew Casertano) review [B]
Cinema Signals by The Filmiliar Cineaste review [4/4]
Entertainment Weekly review [A-]
Reel.com review [3/4]
Spirituality & Health (Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat) review
The New York Times (A.O. Scott) review registration required- 4 1/2 out of 5 stars
Los Angeles Times (Kevin Crust) review registration required -Al Gore warms up to a very hot topic.
Newsday review [2.5/4]