CBS News Team Hit In Baghdad
Atrios remembers Laura Ingraham's insane rant from the Today Show:
"It's why Howie Kurtz has Assrocket and Hugh Hewitt on his show on a regular basis. I suppose the reasons for this are very simple - by bringing on these idiot critics they placate the right wing frothers while simultaneously confronting cartoon criticism, letting themselves avoid confronting actual criticism. Still, at some point one wonders if enough is every enough? I mean, who would invite Laura Ingraham back on after this crack:
Ingraham: "To do a show from Iraq means to talk to the Iraqi military, to go out with the Iraqi military, to actually have a conversation with the people instead of reporting from hotel balconies about the latest IEDs going off.
Here's the video of Ingraham with David Gregory (Video )
This was when the meme these right wing zombies were peddling was that journalists were too afraid to cover the war. As long as they said it, the networks allowed them airtime to pass out their brand of kool aid.
"A CBS News correspondent was critically injured and her two-person crew killed Monday when the Baghdad military unit in which they were imbedded was attacked. Kimberly Dozier, 39, sustained serious injuries in the attack and underwent surgery at a U.S. military hospital in Baghdad, the network reported. She is in critical condition, but doctors are cautiously optimistic about her prognosis."
Cameraman Paul Douglas and soundman James Brolan, both London-based, were killed.