Too dangerous for the "Voice of America" to be in Iraq
As the talk from the administration that the media is not reporting any good news in Iraq continues, here's a report that should wake up media critics. The U.S. government-run Voice of America has had no correspondent in Baghdad for six months.
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Transcript from COUNTDOWN:
Olbermann: Meantime, we noted here 24 hours ago that this seems to be an administration that is outwardly unsusceptible to irony or charges of hypocrisy. But even that Teflon coating is facing a heavy-duty fried-egg stain. While the Bush press office and responsive reporters and talk show hosts desperately continue to accuse the, quote, “mainstream media” of ignoring the, quote, "good news from Iraq," "The Washington Post" has revealed that for the last six months, the Voice of America, the U.S. government-run news organization, has not had a correspondent in Baghdad because it‘s just too dangerous.
You won't hear this on FOX.