The Dixie Chicks and Bill O'Reilly
Keith Olbermann found out that O'Reilly sucked up to the Dixie Chicks after he trashed them previously. Do you think that made Keith smile?
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Is Bill star struck now?
Slate: Anyway, Kelsey Grammar and Robert Duvall were at this dinner, and [they] both said, hey, Dixie Chicks and all—these people should just shut up."
—April 28, 2003-O'Reilly
The NY Times: "At the Time 100 party a few days before this interview, the Dixie Chicks performed "Not Ready to Make Nice." Afterward Ms. Maines recounted, the Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly-- who has regularly denounced her, and whom she pointedly calls "despicable" --rushed over to greet on
Brad Kava: Like a weather vane in a Kansas tornado, this guy does nothing but spin. He comes off all tough and sanctimonious on his show, but obviously, in person, he's as greasy as yesterday's on
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