Comparing Al Gore to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels
Sterling Burnett, a man who works for an organization which takes huge amounts of money from Exxon Mobile went on "Dayside" today to smear Al Gore. These people are beyond shameless. He compared Gore and his new film, "An Inconvenient Truth" to the Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.
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Notice how the segment ends just as Jeremy Symons was telling the audience that Sterling is a paid, Big Oil shill. Being a Big Oil shill isn't too popular these days.
Burnett: That's the problem. If I thought Al Gore's movie was as you like to say, fair and balanced, I'd say, everyone should go see it, but why go see propaganda? You don't go see Joseph Goebbels’' films to see the truth about Nazi Germany. You don't go see Al Gore’' films to see the truth about global warming...
Symons: Sterling is an odd one to be casting aspersions on what Al Gore's motives are, after all the oil industry has been giving him hundreds of thousands of dollars to his organization, just like tobacco companies used to do to try undercut...
Host: That's a whole other subject guys and we're up against a hard break.
I think a man who just compared Gore to Goebbels and is a Big Oil shill has relevance to this debate.