TDS: Phone Logs and Fox Pundits
Jon Stewart and his team of very talented writers had a field day with the NSA warrantless wiretapping and the latest news from this USA Today article: "NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls."
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Stewart: Well now it turns out that there was one specific type of domestic call the government was keeping tabs on. All of them....
The round up of FOX News pundits defending this new development was hysterical. Neil Cavuto wins the top prize as the biggest suck up when he says:
Cavuto: Yes, it is not great to necessary hear they're collecting our phone records, but it's a heck of a lot better than collecting our remains...
Stewart: Wow, the entire network of anchors has been hired to be the press secretary...
The Daily Show website hosts a ton of past video clips. Always check it out if you're looking for segments that you've missed.