May 14, 2006

C&L's Late Night Music Club with Stevie Ray Vaughan

The first and only time I saw Stevie play live was back in '90, when he was touring with Jeff Beck. I specifically went to see Beck because I had been a fan of his since the '70's. That night Jeff opened with his power trio (which included Bozzio and Hyams) and it was incredible. I was spent emotionally after finally seeing the man who gave us "Blow by Blow."

After an intermission-out came Stevie Ray Vaughn. I looked at my friend and we both agreed to just stay for a few songs so we could beat the traffic out in Oakland. Well, after one tune of his screaming guitar that almost knocked me, my friend and Stevie's wall of speakers down; I was a fan for life.

"Little Wing" appeared on his Greatest Hits record.

(please keep all comments about music on this thread or they may be deleted.)

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