C&L is An Advertiser's Dream
(guest blog by Taylor Marsh)
What a great community converges on this blog every day. I knew that from guest blogging here. But now I've seen the numbers and the demographics are to be coveted. As Chris Bowers noted not too long ago, advertisers would do well to pay attention to the power of the progressive blogs, of which Crooks & Liars is one of the leaders.
First the age break out for Crooks and Liars: almost 17% are between 21-30; close to 27% between the ages of 31-40; just over 27% from 41-50. You don't get much better than that for reaching the most important consumer and voter base. Oh, and you're educated, too: 76% either have a college degree or post-graduate degree, with 20% having some college. As for income, reader income sits between $30-120,000, with the biggest concentration in the $60-90,000 category.
As for party affiliation, almost 59% consider themselves Democratic; 31% are Independent; with 5% Green; with the rest made up of Republicans, a-political and Libertarians. You're activists, too. Over 80% have either signed a petition or written or called a politician at the state, local, or national level.
But why do you turn to blogs? The answers are illuminating and the traditional media should take the hint: 68% said for "faster news"; 73% for "more honesty"; 80% for "better perspective"; with a whopping 88% saying you turn to blogs for "news I can't find elsewhere."
The other big news in C&L's bottom line is LADIES. Women are starting to turn towards progressive blogs in a big way. Sure, the majority are still men, 68.21%. But C&L draws 31.79% of its audience from women. That's a big development.
C&L's numbers are very good news, which I truly hope rubs off on the rest of us.