Randi and the Chicken Hawk
This terminology drives some conservatives nuts, but this was a funny exchange last night on Larry King. Ben Ferguson, tried to play the " I have friends in Iraq "card and Rhodes quickly made him wish he hadn't. When asked by Randi why he wasn't serving in Iraq since he's of age, Ben's excuse was that while he supports the "Yankees," (now that hurts) it doesn't mean he has to wear their uniform. Ben my man, if I could just sign up and play for the Yanks, I'd be on the bench right now.
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RHODES: And the generals warned you, if you went there, you'd open up the gates of hell, and that is what you've done. You've encouraged terrorism. You've encouraged hatred for the United States.
FERGUSON: Who said war was easy?
RHODES: Our troops don't get the support they need. They're there without the proper troop numbers.
FERGUSON: Because you guys are say that it's a quagmire.
RHODES: They are there without the proper body armor. They're there without the proper exit strategy. FERGUSON: You're right. There's no support from the left because you say it is a quagmire, it's a waste of time, we shouldn't be there. We need to come home.
RHODES: There is no leadership. Eight generals have come out, and maybe they know a little more than you do...
FERGUSON: They don't need your support, you're absolutely right.
RHODES: ...Ben and Dennis Prager.
FERGUSON: Randi, I have friends in Iraq, OK?
RHODES: Listen, you should be in Iraq. You're 22. When I was 22, I was in the military. Why aren't you there?
FERGUSON: I'm 24 years old.
RHODES: Why aren't you there? Then go.
FERGUSON: And just because I support something doesn't mean I have to always go fight.
RHODES: You go. You go. Go ahead. You go and then you come back because you know what happens when we come back?
FERGUSON: I support the Yankees doesn't mean I wear their uniform.
RHODES: Once you've served, you come back, and you're suddenly a liberal. Do you know why, Ben? Because you're only as good as the weakest. And that's why you aren't in the military.