Kate: the Bribes: the Blogs
( I'm writing this quickly) While talking about Congressman being bribed on "Hardball" today, Kate O'Beirne tried to spin it as a bi-partisan problem. Matthews surprising gave liberal bloggers some props.
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Matthews: Is it partisan?
O'Beirne: Oh, It's totally bi-partisan.
Matthews: Every time I say on this show that it's bi-partisan, liberal bloggers and other people say-wait-a-minute. The preponderance of evidence here and I believe it is true. Is that the Republicans have abused power more recently...
I tried to find a graphic that helped Kate out, I really did, but it was impossible. I'm not kidding. I guess she is feeling a bit down about her beloved beltway connections being in deep trouble. Robinson, who I like as a columnist said it was because the Repubs have the power so they get the dollars, but why no mention of Delay's K-Street operation? The one that punished people if they worked with Democrats. Chris goes off into some weird addiction excuse at the end of the clip. You'll notice how "liberal blogs" worked it's way into the conversation...
Digby: "For the first time, I'm truly feeling the democratizing power of the internet (and I'm realizing why the powers that be are trying to cut off its oxygen.) The beltway courtiers are nibbling idly at their cakes, unnerved by the unruly mob of common men committing drive-by emails and digital lynch mobs and storming the stifling, airless social club that has become the nation's punditocrisy...read on"
FDL: "Richard Cohen's Oh-Lawdy-Miss-Scarlett column excoriating the mannerless brutes of the angry left (how very original) drew down predictable ire today. As the blogs turn into the Never Back Down wing of the Democratic Party the call to regulate us into oblivion is only equaled by the one that calls for our marginalization...read on