Frist blames Clinton for gas prices When is Frist going to stop appearing opposite Katie Couric? Remember when she hammered him back in November? Cou
May 1, 2006

Frist blames Clinton for gas prices
When is Frist going to stop appearing opposite Katie Couric? Remember when she hammered him back in November? Couric called him out on his idiotic 100.00 rebate plan and then forced him into blaming Clinton for our high gas prices...
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Think Progress has the transcript:

COURIC: Let me ask you about another aspect of your plan, because I know the $100 rebate is just one component, that it’s tied to another controversial proposal, which allows oil companies to drill for oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. That has repeatedly failed to pass Congress. Some question the Republicans’ sincerity because they know in the view of these critics that this won’t pass.

FRIST: Let's talk about it. We passed it last month in the United States Senate. It has overwhelming - maybe you don’t support it — but it has overwhelming support. We passed it in the legislature back in 1996. President Clinton vetoed it. Unbelievable. Passed the House. Pass the Senate. And if President Clinton had not vetoed that, we would have more than a million barrels of oil coming here every single day. That’s more oil than we import from Saudi Arabia right now. It’s a matter supply and demand. Right now we would have increase supply if it had not been vetoed by President Clinton.

COURIC: I don't have a position on it.

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