Keith Olbermann had on Larry Johnson Tuesday, to discuss the case of Mary McCarthy, who was fired from the CIA for failing a polygraph. Larry talks about the partisans that are running the CIA now.
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OLBERMANN: Did the case against Mary McCarthy smell at all fishy to you even before her denial that she was the source of the leak to "The Washington Post"?
JOHNSON: Absolutely. I was one of the first ones out of the box saying that, for several reasons.
If you look at Dana Priest's article, there were multiple sources, many who had ties to the counterterrorism center, that were not identified by name or even very many particulars. But it was clear that wasnt Mary's background.
I used to work for Mary back in 1998-'89, and she moved on up into the senior ranks of management, where she was handling-she was at the National Security Council, National Warning Office, other things. So she wouldnt have had any of the operational details that were reflected in Dana Priest's on